Year 6
Welcome to Year 6: an exciting and very important stage in your child's primary school experience. In Year 6, we consolidate and build upon their learning through primary school, through a variety of independent and group outcomes. although we work towards their end of Key Stage 2 SATs, ensuring each and ever child has the opportunity to achieve the very best they can. We also ensure a wide and varied curriculum, which allows the children to learn new skills ready for their exciting endeavours at secondary school.
Mr Harrison (Class teacher)
Miss Ford (HLTA)
Curriculum overview - Long-term plan.
All of our foundation subjects are planned using the Kapok curriculum to ensure the progression of both skills and knowledge.
Autumn one - What does the Census tell us about our local area? (History)
Autumn two - Why does population change? (Geography)
Spring one - What was the impact of WW2 on the people of Britain? (History)
Spring two - Where does our energy come from? (Geography)
Summer one - Who should be on the banknote? (History)
Summer two - Independent fieldwork enquiry. (Geography)
Our classroom