Renishaw Primary School


We believe that our school is a safe and happy place for all our pupils, and operate a positive behaviour reinforcement code.

At Renishaw Primary School, we want every member of our school community to feel valued, included and to be treated fairly and with kindness. We believe that a positive behaviour climate is the foundation for a successful learning environment and a crucial element in promoting well-being.

  • We are committed to providing a warm, caring and courteous environment in which everyone feels happy and safe.
  • We expect every member of our community to behave in a considerate and respectful way towards others.
  • We treat everyone fairly and considerately and apply this behaviour policy consistently.
  • We intend that our behaviour expectations will be simple, clear and understood by all members of our community.  
  • Our priority is to encourage and promote good behaviour as we believe that this will develop an ethos of compassion and consideration and enable children to learn effectively.
  • We want children to feel secure and to become positive, responsible and equal members of our learning community.
  • We strive to promote good relationships so that children and adults work together with the common purpose of enabling everyone to learn.

Our whole school reward system is based on our school values.

Throughout the year, we focus on our overarching value “Be the best that you can be”, and we also concentrate have team and class rewards for pupils to earn prizes.

Our Whole School Rewards:-

 Class Teachers set their own bespoke class rewards that suit the age and stage of the children and motivate them to work individually and as a team. We also have individual rewards for attendance, as well as a class trophy which is given out in assembly each week. Our pupils are very keen to work together to win this (and get an extra treat for 100% class attendance!)

Our Celebration Assemblies take place on a Friday, when we all come together to celebrate the children in our team who have really shone during the week. Children are chosen to receive a special certificate for demonstrating one or more of our values during the previous week. Teachers present these alongside the Headteacher and explain why the children have been chosen. Children also collect leaves on their class chart to show that they continue to demonstrate the values at all times. A special prize is awarded when this chart is completed. 

School Rules

- We are gentle. We don’t hurt others.

- We are kind and helpful. We don’t hurt anybody’s feelings.

- We listen. We don’t interrupt.

- We are honest. We don’t cover up the truth.

- We work hard. We don’t waste our own or others’ time.

- We look after property. We don’t waste or damage things.


Behaviour Policy 2023.