Renishaw Primary School



 At Renishaw we have an open-door approach to all aspects of school life.  We feel that by discussing good things and well as those things that do not go quite as well, we can get the best from each other.  We know that we are not perfect!  We know that sometimes things go wrong and need discussing.

 In the event of something not going well or a concern you may have, then the first port-of-call is to arrange for a meeting with your child's class teacher.  If this is not appropriate then Mrs Dixon, as Assistant Headteacher, is the next person to contact, with myself, as Headteacher, next on the list.  

The majority of time, issues, problems and complaints can be solved through discussions with these people.  However, we recognise that this is not always the case, and it may need to go further.

 The following document is the school's official Complaints Policy and sets out what to do should you need to draw something to our attention or you feel something has not been handled in the correct manner.

 We do not shy way from dealing with complaints and welcome the opportunity to have frank and open discussions about things in school which affect the education your child has.

 All complaints can be found on our Policies PageThis page also includes other important policies:

 Whistleblowing Policy.  We expect all within school to uphold standards and challenge each other in the event of those standard falling to unacceptable levels.

Vexatious Complaints and Harassment Policy.  We come to school to do our jobs and do not except to be harassed or abused.  this policy sets out the expectations on parents, carers and all visitors into school.