Renishaw Primary School

Breakfast, After School Clubs & Residentials.

Breakfast Club with Mrs Spetch

What is ‘Breakfast Club’?

Our school breakfast club is a club for children that takes place daily at school from 7.40am until the start of the school day at 8.40am. The club will take place in the main school hall and children should enter via the main school entrance where they will then be registered by a member of staff.

The club will run for an hour before lessons begin from 7.40am to 8.40am and will not only provide food but a safe space where children can take part in fun group activities, read or access to support for their homework.

How to book ‘Breakfast Club’?

We are in the infancy stages of developing our breakfast club, yet we are conscious that parents need this service as soon as possible. So, at this stage we do not require you to pre-book your place, instead your child can just simply be dropped off by a parent or carer on the morning required and registered by a member of staff. You will then be charged for this service via ‘Parent Pay’. The cost of the club is £3.00 with food and £1.50 without food per day.

Why are breakfast clubs important?

Breakfast is possibly the most important meal of the day. And there has been research carried out into the importance of children eating breakfast as well as many first-hand reports from teachers.

According to Premier footballer Marcus Rashford, school breakfast clubs are crucial to many children’s wellbeing- “Breakfast Club played an integral part in my life. Not only did it guarantee that I had fuel to sustain the day and really engage in learning, but it is where I formed my life friendships.”

Key benefits for children are as follows:

Improved concentration – Nobody can function to the best of their abilities if they are hungry. Eating breakfast ensures that children can not only concentrate better on a full stomach, but they are less likely to misbehave and cause disruptions in class. Feeling “hangry” is not conducive to learning.

Improved timekeeping and attendance – Once the child has arrived at the breakfast club he or she is ready for school. This means improved attendance and timekeeping.

Improved behaviour – The children’s behaviour is improved if they have eaten breakfast. All teachers report improved behaviour in the classroom following the inception of a breakfast club.

Decrease in bullying and greater socialisation – The breakfast club is a neutral space where children of all ages can mingle under supervision. This enables them to get to meet with others of all ages; a knock-on effect of the breakfast club is that inter-age friendships are formed.

A breakfast club can help children flourish – Breakfast clubs provide a safe calming space where children can enjoy activities that they may not be able to do elsewhere such as taking part in creative pastimes. It also gives them the space to practise reading skills.

What will be provided at breakfast club?

In general, the breakfasts provided are pretty simple and may include:

  • Fruit
  • Toast
  • Milk
  • Juice
  • Cereal.

Activities at breakfast club

The breakfast club offers children a space where they can have fun and enjoy some extra activities.

Typical activities may include:

  • Art projects and creative play – Working on an art project can be great fun. Alternatively, just providing art materials will enable children to improve their creativity.
  • Reading – A choice of age-appropriate books can get children reading and enjoying a range of books.
  • Exercise – Boosting the metabolism with exercise in the morning is a great way to start the day. Setting up some fun exercises is fantastic for health and wellbeing.

After School Club with Mrs Halliday

After School Club with Mrs Halliday, is open to all children from Reception up to Year 6 and runs daily from 3.15pm until 4.15pm.

The price is £2.00 and free to those children who receive Free School Meals.

Places can be booked by calling the main office and paying by Parent Pay.

PLease contact Mrs Halliday, Miss Bacon or Miss Baker for further details. 

Qualitas After School Sports Clubs with Grace Hagin
As part of our Sports Premium expenditure, we have Grace Hagin from Qualitas Sport run clubs for all children from Reception up to Year 6. Last year (2023 2024) 72% of children across the school accessed at least one of these clubs and in 2024 2025 were are extending our variety of clubs even further. At present these clubs are fully funded and we do not ask for parental contributions. 

Clubs which currently take place or are scheduled to take place later in the year include:

  • Gardening Club 
  • Netball 
  • Football
  • Multi Skills
  • Film Night
  • Board Games
  • Art / DT
  • Board Games 
  • Playground Games

The offer is as follows:

Monday  Tuesday Wednesday  Thursday Friday

Multi Sports and Playground Games 

Key Stage 1


Key Stage 2

"Bits and Bobs" - Key Stage 1

"Bits and Bobs" Key Stage 2


Key Stage 2

 After School Club Letter Autumn 1 2024

Residential Trips
Our policy is to offer Year 6 pupils the opportunity to go on a residential trip each year.  In recent years these trips have been to White Hall Outdoor Education Centre and Lea Green Learning & Development Centre. In the summer of 2025, year 6 will be visiting Gullivers Kingdom, Rother Valley.